Tabara Engleza, Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt 2018 30iul-13aug (2)

Tabara Engleza, Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt

Dragi parinti, am primit poze si un mesaj din tabara Scotia, Edinburgh, Heriot Watt Scotia:

„After a day in which the pupils had 6 hours of lessons, we had loads of fun at a “color run” activity, as you will see in the pictures 🙂 pow!

We visited Glasgow –  walked through the city… visited the Cathedral, then took a guided – walking tour of the city, explored the Museum of Transportation and then watched the European championship of cycling.

Will keep you updated soon.”

P.S. Pentru a fi la curent cu ce se întampla în tabara din Edinburgh, puteti accesa albumele foto de pe Facebook si Google Photos, care vor fi actualizate pe parcursul taberei cu noi fotografii!