Mesaj si Fotografii tabara de vara 3 Capitale 31 iulie – 14 august 2012

Dragi parinti si dragi copii,

Am hotarat sa inchei postarile pe blog cu un final grandios, astfel mai jos regasiti poemul scris de Andrei, castigatorul nostru si ultimele fotografii 🙂
De asemenea am incarcat si filmuletul cu proiectul nostru, pe care il gasiti aici: film proiect 3 capitale

Sper ca v-ati simiti minunat in aceasta tabara si ca ati ramas cu muuulte amintiri frumoase!

Rox (group leader tabara 3 Capitale)

And there she was, alone she stood
Ever guarding, in a cheery mood
The sun itself she wore as dress
The green kingdom around she seemd to bless

The Lake, our lady in saphire and gold
Can I touch her? Can I be so bold?
No, I run, and hide in the shade
The farther I get, the more she seems to fade

And so I lay, in the land of green and good
Knowing that from now alone I stood
And that again I shall never rise
For my love exists not in human guise

The sharpest thorns, they pierce my skin
For what I saw, yet never seen
The dream I dreamt, full of desire
Reduced to ash, what once was fire.
(Andrei D.)