Cambridge/Oxford Academic Online Study Programme - Psychology

cambridgeoxford academic online study programme psychology and neuroeconomics.jpg

Tara: Anglia
Locatie: Online
Varsta: +16 ani
Tip tabara: Curs Online
Limba studiata: Engleza

4 Februarie - 14 Aprilie 2024
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Descriere curs

Programul Academic Cambridge/Oxford Online Study include 10 cursuri / prelegeri online, sustinute de un profesor universitar de la University of Cambridge sau University of Oxford cu tematica Psychology:

Program Description:

The research of neuroeconomics can be divided into two categories

1) Determine the neural process in the decision-making, and the standard economic model can well predict the behaviour;
2) Research on "anomalies", In this case, the standard model can not predict the behaviour well.

However, it seems that this emerging discipline has not clearly defined its research content, and most of the research under its definition framework can be attributed to the research topic of neuroeconomics. In the survey we found, that the contents involved are all-inclusive, such as reward acquisition; certainty, fuzziness and delay of satisfaction; learning and strategy; cooperative preference; utility and reward system; fairness, altruism and trust; learning, memory and knowledge; economic decision-making.

Example Tutor:

Dr Martin Vestergaard MSc PhD MA
Position: Professor of Wolfson College, Cambridge University; Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Biography: Martin Vestergaard is a neuroscientist interested in the psychology of decision-making, mental health & communication
Martin's research interests include mechanisms of automatic processing in sensory systems and their evolutionary basis, cognitive aspects of auditory perception, and behavioural and neural aspects of economic decision-making. He uses psychophysical, electrophysiological and neuroimaging methods to identify behavioural and neural indices of reward processing and auditory specialization. A key finding in his early work is that humans and other animals may have evolved an ability to judge the competence of suitors and predators by gauging skeletal size from their communication signals.
Martin received his PhD in Psychological Acoustics from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) where he had previously earned his MSc and EE degrees following undergraduate and graduate studies in Electrical Engineering and Communications at DTU and in Systèmes électroniques et Informatiques Industrielles at Polytech Nantes. He was a Research Fellow at the Centre for the Neural Basis of Hearing, Cambridge before he moved on to study the cognitive aspect of the reward system in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience.
He became a Fellow and Tutor at Wolfson College in 2011, and since 2016 he has held the role of Deputy Senior Tutor.

Example Syllabus:

  1. 1. Economic decision-making

    This lesson is an introduction to behavioural economics. We cover basic axioms of preference, utility maximization, decisions under risk, risk aversion, loss aversion, temporal discounting, trust and cooperation, prospect theory, opportunity costs, decoy effect, sunk costs, and anchoring.

    2. Models of decision-making

    This lesson is an overview of models of decision-making. We cover the basic distinction between model-based and model-free reinforcement learning, Bayesian inference, evidence, prior, likelihood, optimization, generative model and cost function.

    3. Neurobiology of decision-making

    This lesson introduces brain imaging techniques such as fMRI, EEG, MEG, TMS and single-cell recordings and their application in investigations of the reward system. We look at general linear models used in fMRI research, the application of parametric modulators and the problem with correlated regressors.

    4. Biases and errors in decision-making

    In this lesson, we look at biases of human decision-making, confirmation bias, Dunning–Kruger effect, cognitive dissonance, framing effect and endowment effect. We also look at errors in statistics, type I vs type II error, survivor bias, selection bias and collider bias.

    5. Two-systems decision-making

    In this lesson, we cover a large catalogue of dichotomies in decision theory and psychology, goal-directed vs habitual decision-making, model-based vs model-free control, analytical vs intuitive decision-making, declarative vs procedural learning, and experienced utility vs decision utility.

    6. Case-study: Irrational decision-making in humans

    In this lesson, we go through an example of neuroimaging research. We start from the initial observation of suboptimal human behaviour, then go through theory, psychology and modelling to the final identification of the brain mechanism responsible for irrational decision-making in humans. This lesson can also serve as a model for a Journal Club, i.e. a lab meeting in which research students present a journal article in detail to their colleagues, which prospective graduate students will need to learn.

    7. Evolutionary Perspectives

    In this lesson, we examine how human decision-making has evolved, how behaviours that are seen as irrational may have an evolutionary basis and how human tendencies in decision-making are shared with other animals. We will look at comparative studies of economic decision-making and discuss the origin of faith-based reasoning.

    8. Paradoxes of choice

    In this lesson, we look at everyday instantiations of the theory covered in the course. We go over different strategies of decision-making and coping mechanisms that may be used to prevent failure in rational decision-making that is hardwired into the human brain.

Acest program este destinat tinerilor cu varsta minima de 16 ani, cu un nivel de limba engleza minim echivalent IELTS 5.0+ (B2).

Se vor forma grupe internationale de aprox 15 elevi, pentru inscriere se va trimite in avans un CV al elevului in limba engleza.

Cursurile se vor desfasura in zilele de duminica sau sambata, in intervalul orar 10:00 – 12:00 ora UK (12:00 – 14:00 ora Romaniei), conform perioadei selectate.

La finalul celor 10 saptamani participantii vor primi *:

  • certificat de participare
  • raport academic
  • scrisoare de recomandare din partea tutorelui

* conditionat de prezenta la curs si predarea la timp a temelor/ proiectelor; documentele se trimit in format electronic la aproximativ 6-8 saptamani de la finalizarea cursului

Date de participare:

Sesiunea Februarie - Aprilie 2024 : 4 Feb 2024, 18 Feb 2024, 25 Feb 2024, 3 Mar 2024, 10 Mar 2024, 17 Mar 2024, 24 Mar 2024, 31 Mar 2024, 7 Apr 2024, 14 Apr 2024; 10am -12pm London time


700 GBP / 10 sesiuni


· Test de aptitudini si orientare educationala si profesionala - Profiling Expert Test * : 100 GBP

*Acest test este 100% in limba engleza si este folosit de majoritatea scolilor din UK si de foarte multe scoli europene pentru indrumarea elevilor in alegerea viitoarei cariere.
Testul “Profiling Expert” ajuta elevii sa identifice directii potentiale spre anumite cariere si sa ia decizii documentate despre optiunile de studiu. Testul dureaza 110 de minute si include evaluari verbale, numerice si abstracte, precum si un chestionar despre aspiratiile si interesele in alegerea carierei. La final, candidatul primeste un raport online detaliat, de aprox 25 de pagini, care poate fi descarcat si salvat.

Tariful NU include:

· TVA 19%

De ce cursuri online Mirunette?

Cursuri Online Acreditate

Educatia nu ar trebui sa se opreasca niciodata, indiferent de vremurile in care traim. Mirunette propune o diversitate de cursuri acreditate, predate de profesori nativi cu experienta in centre, scoli sau universitati de renume din strainatate.

Predarea se face 100% online, cu posibilitate de program flexibil, 1 to 1 sau lectii de grup, proiecte practice si resurse gratuite. Expertiza in educatie a partenerilor Mirunette si tipul de cursuri online oferite de centrele, scolile sau universitatile cu care lucram nu are comparatie pe piata cursurilor din Romania.

Asadar, continua-ti invatarea la standarde excelente si alege unul din cursurile online Mirunette.
